





    起初我們改造的食農教室只是單純設置一個窯其中並沒有要設置灶的想法,然而「從地景中學習」(Learning Through Landscape,LTL),是結合校內外各界的力量與意見,共同建立環境營造和學習組織,透過地景的學習,將學校視為一個大教室來規劃學習場地,在戶外進行各種不同科目的教學活動,並提供學生參與學校環境事務的機會,提出改進校園景觀的建議;我們的食農教室就是這麼誕生,經過很多次的永續校園規畫小組會議,老師提出既然已經有了西方的窯讓自然老師教一教輻射熱,是不是也要有中式的灶來方便老師教社會綜合科呢?於是建築師參考了老師的建議。

食農教室裡面的灶裡面有許多小學生的掌印,灶的尺寸大小也是位小學生量身訂做的。 披薩窯裡面有許多兒童陶藝作品鑲嵌其上,有了兒童的元素怎樣看都可愛。

整齊清潔的環境,除了使用率高,也改變了教學型態。有更多的志工老師樂意參加並協助教學 。 從祖孫共餐到低高年級不同科目不同課程在隨時進行創意隨時在課程中發想


施工過程不忘環境教育本質          這設計圖呈現的是學校教師自己設計的理念

皂土毯符合生態工法保用十年無誤          覆土完成的樣貌盡量營造多孔隙的棲地

             當工程遇到課程-不免俗還是要帶孩子記錄觀察一下           透水鋪面要顧及防滑和教學安全

老師學生一起動手做 很快就充滿蛙鳴鳥叫,眾多生物前來驗收

完成後的綠色學校魚菜共生池多了永續校園的氣質並秉持不塑的原則           有藍天白雲陪伴的苦楝樹








學生在溫室中的學習兒童是學習的主體       整個教學情境的設置以教學為目標





情境設置以教學為主這樣上自然課是學童最專注最用心的時刻 教學以兒童為主校園的每個角落,有了兒童的笑聲學習聲,這樣快樂學習讓校園變得更美好


     為了活化教學深化教學使學習更有趣,強調五感學習學生擁有與生俱來的感官,就是探索世界的絕佳工具。杜威( John Dewey )曾說:「一盎司經驗勝過一噸的理論。( An ounce of experience is better than a tone of theory)」(引自梁瑞安,1999),強調要透過親身經驗的做中學(Learning by doing),才能產生深刻的體認與啟發。環境教育「斷捨離」-打造「環境美學」綠校園,深坑國小的綠色故事還在持續有趣的發生中……

Environmental Education, to Build a Green Campus of Environmental Aesthetics 

R.L., Chen.

Member of NTPC Environmental Education and Counseling Groups

Translated by Translated by Kaifu Chang


Numerous related stories of each corner can be told when promoting environmental education in Shenkeng Elementary School. With the collaboration of teachers, students, staff, parents and neighbors, we designed, built and maintained the campus together within limited budget. Learning through landscape can thus be an eloquent footnote for Shenkeng Elementary School.    


From Being Compulsive Hoarding to a Plasticarian

   As the chief of environmental education section, I was very good at recycling. “ We should protect the earth.” “Someday, it will come in handy.” “Make sure to store them in place.” Even with five years of rich experience regarding to recycling, recently, something has changed.  Collecting to many recyclable materials can be troublesome for there may not always be sufficient room to store. A good control over the recyclable waste from the beginning was the key point. By reducing disposal container using, the amount of recyclable wastes was decreased. 

   The transformation was influenced by the concept of “ Less is More.” Thanks to  Prof. Hsu and participation of NTPC Environmental Education and Counseling Groups, I have been willing to learn and share the ideas with partners.

Changing the Recycling Room into Food and Agriculture Classroom

New environmental aesthetics of Shengkeng Elementary School has therefore formed. From a compulsive hoarding patient to a plasticarian, we have decided to close our recycling  warehouse. From then on, we no longer store but dispose of recyclable waste on that day. We have been stumbling on the way, but it is worthwhile to share the ideas with others.
    At the beginning, we only wanted to build a kiln. A  Chinese range was not on the list. However, the idea of learning through landscape was to combine people’s opinions and effort creating environment development and a learning organization. The whole campus was therefore considered a big class room providing students with chances to take part in school’s environmental business and bring forth suggestions. One meeting after another, we built a western kiln to introduce radiant heat. “Why don’t we have another eastern range?” The recommendation was welcomed.

     Less is more. The used-to-be messy recycling room has changed into food and agriculture classroom which is more popular as well as frequently-used.

There are many hand prints on the range.
Meanwhile, the range was customized according to students’ needs.
There are many students’ cute pottery works embedded on the kiln.

Energy-saving lights are necessary.
Everything in the environmental education classroom should be environmental friendly.

Tidy and clean environment have made this classroom popular
and changed the teaching patterns.
More and more volunteers joined and helped to instruct students.

Aquaponics System of Shengkeng Elementary School

         The essence of environmental education were not forgotten during construction.

Eco-engineering bentonite can last for decades.

Construction met Education.

Working together, croaking of frogs and chirping of birds are heard everywhere soon.

The completion of aquaponics pond, everlasting and non-plastic          

Energy Saving Devices in the Greenhouse

      The water used for irrigation was from the old rain water collecting system, while the electricity from the solar panels which also provided educational benefits. The surrounded green fences were built to lower the indoor temperature. The greenhouse was paved with permeable pavement.


Compost area for leaves and leftovers can go along well with aesthetics and science education.


Recycled materials for decoration on campus 

The main characters of learning are the students.

The abandoned wooden paths and the establishment of permeable pavement and children-friendly path

This is heaven for indigenous species.


  Other Space Creation on Green Campus

Wall painting decoration 

Waste soil recycling

Pumpkins grown on campus 


Instructional boards designed by students 

Work sheets  

Every corner on campus can be the best classroom.

The most concentrated moment


To make learning more interesting and to achieve the goal of creative teaching, the bests world-exploring tools which we emphasized are the inherent senses. John Dewey once stated that, “ An ounce of experience is better than a tone of theory.” Profound experience and enlightenment can be triggered through learning by doing. Building a Green Campus of Environmental Aesthetics, the next page of story in Shengkeng Elementary School continues…